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Double Cellulite Attack

Food supplement with sweetener

Package for comprehensive elimination of cellulite - internal and external support for the fastest effects!

Cellulite PRO: with red wine extract and Cambodian garcinia (formula with 60% HCK content, which reduces fat storage in the body) - proven to reduce cellulite and support weight loss!

  • It helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite¹
  • It helps control and stabilize body weight¹
  • It helps to improve the body silhouette¹
  • Contributes to reduced fat storage²

Anti Cellulite peeling: coffee peeling with extra virgin almond, coconut and neem oil, vitamin E and Himalayan salt - exfoliates, firms and moisturizes the skin, and actively attacks cellulite

  • It nourishes problematic skin
  • Actively attacks cellulite
  • It increases circulation
  • With moisturizing regeneration oils

Reduce the appearance of cellulite from the inside out!

Neto 325 g | za 30 dni
Redna cena: 34,90 
Na zalogi
in prihrani 6,98 
14 dnevna pravica do vračila denarja
Brezplačna dostava nad 30€
Dostava v 1-2 delovnih dneh

Cellulite - a problem for over 80% of women!

Cellulite can develop in several parts of your body, especially on your thighs, stomach and buttocks.

While the reasons for it vary, they most often have to do with poor microcirculation and subcutaneous fat buildup, which presses on the skin's surface from below and creates the characteristic appearance of cellulite.

Do you have the dreaded orange-peel look too?

  • Dimpled skin on your thighs, buttocks, stomach or arms
  • Extra weight you can’t get rid of
  • You’ve tried exercise but it doesn’t seem to work
  • You spend most of your days sitting down, which blocks your blood and lymph circulation

We have the perfect solution!


¹Red wine extract

Red wine extract (derived from Vitis vinifera L.) with 30% polyphenols helps to reduce cellulite, control and stabilize body weight and improve the body’s silhouette. Polyphenols act as antioxidants, meaning they can neutralize harmful free radicals that would otherwise damage your cells.

²Garcinia cambogia extract

Garcinia cambogia (Garcinia gummi-gutta) contains hydroxycitric acid (60% – HCA), a natural compound that inhibits the enzyme lipase, which is responsible for fat breakdown in the body. This helps in preventing fat accumulation and weight loss in the body.

Forest fruits aroma

Natural forest fruits aroma gives this formula a pleasant taste.


Arabica coffee beans make the skin firmer and smoother.


Improves blood circulation while massaging.


Pleasantly moisturizes the skin.


I've been using Cellulite pro for a few weeks now, and I've already noticed a visible reduction in the appearance of my cellulite. It definitely made my skin smoother and firmer, plus the added bonus of Garcinia has helped me control my weight and suppress my hunger cravings. I highly recommend this product!


I've been fighting cellulite since I was a teenager... your product has really helped me! Thanks


This cellulite burner has been a game-changer for me. It helped me to slim down, especially in my thighs area, which was most problematic.. Overall, a fantastic product for anyone looking to reduce cellulite and improve the look of their body.

Reduce your cellulite with Polyphenols and HCA!


Cellulite PRO with triple anti-cellulite effect:


Reduces fat storage in the body

With powerful ProGarcinia™ extract, contaning 60% hydroxycitric acid (HCA), a natural compound that inhibits the enzyme lipase, which is responsible for fat breakdown in the body, this revolutionar anti-celullite formula helps in preventing fat accumulation and weight loss in the body.


Reduces cellulite

Red wine extract with 30% polyphenols helps to reduce cellulite and improve the body’s silhouette.


Boost weight loss & supress hunger

Garcinia cambogia also helps us to suppress the feeling of hunger, which comes in handy when trying to slim down. It helps us to reduce food intake, burn off excess body weight,  contributes to the reduction of fat storage and helps maintain satiation, making it the champion for getting you weight loss results fast!


Double Cellulite Attack

Reduce cellulite and lose excess weight

  • Triple anti-cellulite action
  • Helps reduce the appearance of cellulite
  • Helps control and stabilize body weight
  • Peeling exfoliates, strengthens and moisturizes the skin
  • Actively attacks cellulite
  • HCA lowers breakdown of fats from food and helps with weight loss

Pogosta vprašanja naših uporabnikov:

How and why does it work?

Cellulite PRO: With ProGarcinia™ and Red Wine Extract, this anti-cellulite formula helps you shape your body, suppress hunger pangs, and reduce visible cellulite! With the Anti Cellulite coffee scrub, you can get rid of cellulite in an easy and natural way. It also works on extremely problematic areas where fat pads are the most stubborn.

Who is it suitable for?

It is for anyone who wants to improve their body psyique, remove visable cellulite and lose excess weight, without following strict diets.

What ingredients does it contain?

Cellulite PRO: red wine extract (30% polyphenols), natural aroma of forest fruits, Cambodian garcinia extract (60% HCK). Anti Cellulite Peeling: pink himalayan salt, coffee arabica seed powder, cocos nucifera oil, almond rifined oil, neem oil, geranium essential oil.

What does it taste like?

Cellulite PRO has a refreshing natural forest fruits flavour.

How do I use it?

Cellulite PRO: The recommended daily dose is 5 g (1 scoop). Mix in a glass (150 ml) of water and drink. Anti Cellulite peeling: Use the peeling in the shower. Wet your skin and then massage the scrub all over your body. Wait at least 5 minutes and then rinse well. We recommend exfoliating 2-3 times a week.

What if I don't like the product?

No worries! We offer a satisfaction guarantee. If the product does not meet your expectations, we provide a 14-day refund.


Double Cellulite Attack

Package for comprehensive elimination of cellulite - internal and external support for the fastest effects!

Cellulite PRO: with red wine extract and Cambodian garcinia (formula with 60% HCK content, which reduces fat storage in the body) - proven to reduce cellulite and support weight loss!

  • It helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite¹
  • It helps control and stabilize body weight¹
  • It helps to improve the body silhouette¹
  • Contributes to reduced fat storage²

Anti Cellulite peeling: coffee peeling with extra virgin almond, coconut and neem oil, vitamin E and Himalayan salt - exfoliates, firms and moisturizes the skin, and actively attacks cellulite

  • It nourishes problematic skin
  • Actively attacks cellulite
  • It increases circulation
  • With moisturizing regeneration oils

Reduce the appearance of cellulite from the inside out!

Neto 325 g | za 30 dni
Redna cena: 34,90 
in prihrani 6,98 
100% varen nakup z možnostjo vračila brez vprašanj.
  • Uporaba

  • Sestavine

  • Mnenja kupcev (0)

  • Uporaba

    Cellulite PRO: The recommended daily dose is 5 g (1 scoop). Mix into a glass (150 ml) of water and drink.

    For precise measuring we suggest weighing.

    Anti Cellulite Coffee Scrub: Use the scrub in the shower. Wet your skin and then massage the scrub all over your body. Wait at least 5 minutes and then rinse well.

    We recommend exfoliating 2-3 times a week.


    The recommended daily amount should not be exceeded. The nutritional supplement is not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. Not recommended to use during pregnancy and lactation.

    Storage: store in a cool and dry place. Keep out of reach of children!

  • Sestavine

    Cellulite PRO – food supplement with sweetener.

    Ingredients: Maltodextrin, red wine extract (Vitis vinifera L.) (30% polyphenols), forest fruits aroma,  garcinia cambogia extract (Garcinia gummi-gutta) (60% hydroxycytric acid – HCA), stabiliser: cellulose, sweetener: steviol glycosides.

    Anti Cellulite Coffee Scrub

    Ingredients: pink himalayan salt, coffee arabica seed powder, cocos nucifera oil, almond rifined oil, neem oil, geranium essential oil.

  • Mnenja kupcev (0)

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