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SuperGreens SKIN

Zelena mešanica superživil za kožo

Posebej zasnovana z odličnim okusom in polna mikrohranil!

  • S klorelo, pšenično in ječmenovo travo
  • Krepi odpornost z vitamini in minerali ³
  • 250 μg Biotina na odmerek
  • Prispeva k ohranjanju normalnega stanja kože in las ²
  • Enostaven način za pridobivanje pomembnih hranil
  • Brez aditivov in sladkorja
  • Slasten, osvežujoč okus

Ohranja normalno stanje kože, las in splošno dobro počutje.

Neto 150 g | za 30 dni
Na zalogi
14 dnevna pravica do vračila denarja
Brezplačna dostava nad 30€
Dostava v 1-2 delovnih dneh


SuperGreens SKIN contributes to the maintenance of normal skin and to the general well-being and confidence.


Why is biotin essential for your skin?

Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, plays a crucial role in various physiological processes in the body. Here are some key functions and sources of biotin:

  • It contributes to the maintenance of normal skin and hair
  • It contributes to normal macronutrient metabolism
  • It contributes to the maintenance of normal mucous membranes



Pšenična trava je naravni vir mikrohranil, kot so vitamin A, cink, kalcij in železo. Železo prispeva k normalni tvorbi rdečih krvničk in hemoglobina, cink pa k normalnim kognitivnim funkcijam in normalnemu kislinsko-bazičnemu ravnovesju.


To zeleno superživilo je vir pomembnih vitaminov, kot je vitamin A.


Klorela je dobila ime po ogromni količini klorofila, saj ga na gram vsebuje več kot katera koli druga rastlina.


Konoplja vsebuje hranila, ki jih naše telo lahko uporabi za izgradnjo beljakovin in mišic. Zaradi lahke prebavljivosti so mleta konopljina semena eden najboljših virov beljakovin.


Kelp je vrsta morskih alg, bogatih z vitamini, minerali in antioksidanti.


Lucuma je slasten super sadež iz Peruja, ki se uporablja kot zdravo in naravno sladilo. Je vir mineralov in vlaknin ter okusen nadomestek za sladkor.


Acerola  je tropsko sadje, znano po izjemno visoki vsebnosti vitamina C.


This has become my skincare secret. It's like giving my skin a daily spa treatment from the inside out!


I was skeptical about the taste being as good as advertised, but I was pleasantly surprised! I usually avoid any powdered greens, because I'm afraid of the taste. The blend has now become my favourite part of my skincare regimen. My complexion has really improved and I'm happy it lasts me for a whole month and more!


I admit I don't eat enough fruit and I especially hate vegetables. I make myself this blend every morning and I've noticed that I generally feel much better.

Supergreens that actually taste OK!

A 6-superfood-blend for natural skin – a game-changer for those who may not consume enough fruits and vegetables daily. Packed with the goodness of organically grown superfoods, this blend is your key to radiance and confidence.

SuperGreens SKIN is crafted to maintain normal skin. For those looking to conveniently ingest essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, this blend is the answer.

Our carefully crafted blend of 6 organically grown superfoods is perfect for those who struggle to consume enough fruit or vegetables.

It is made without fillers or sugar and will last you at least a month.

Our promise 🌿


– Tastes good: No more sacrificing flavour for wellness. SuperGreens SKIN tastes delicious and refreshing.

– Lasts a full month: One pack, a month of transformation. SuperGreens SKIN is easy to incorporate into your routine.

– It’s natural! SuperGreens DETOX is made without  fillers, dairy or sugar.

SuperGreens SKIN

A nutritious blend of superfoods with biotin for skin

  • Telo nahrani s pomembnimi hranilnimi snovmi
  • Pripomore k izboljšanju odpornosti ³
  • Pomaga ohranjati normalno stanje kože ²
  • Ščiti celice pred oksidativnim stresom

Pogosta vprašanja naših uporabnikov:

How and why does it work?

SuperGreens SKIN contains only the best natural and fresh ingredients, including 6 superfoods, to maintain normal skin.

Who is it for?

SuperGreens SKIN contains only the best natural and fresh ingredients, perfect for anyone who wants to support natural skin and nourish their body with natural superfoods.

What ingredients does it contain?

lucuma*, hemp proteins*, barley grass*, wheat grass*, chlorella*, natural strawberry flavour, acerola powder*, kelp powder*, biotin, rosehip powder*. *organic.

What does it taste like?

SuperGreens SKIN tastes like lemon and rosehip.

When will my package arrive?

We will do our best to process your order the same day and send it out for delivery. On average, packages are delivered between 2-3 days.

What if I don't like the product?

No worries! We offer a satisfaction guarantee. If the product does not meet your expectations, we provide a 14-day refund.

SuperGreens SKIN

Zelena mešanica superživil za kožo

Posebej zasnovana z odličnim okusom in polna mikrohranil!

  • S klorelo, pšenično in ječmenovo travo
  • Krepi odpornost z vitamini in minerali ³
  • 250 μg Biotina na odmerek
  • Prispeva k ohranjanju normalnega stanja kože in las ²
  • Enostaven način za pridobivanje pomembnih hranil
  • Brez aditivov in sladkorja
  • Slasten, osvežujoč okus

Ohranja normalno stanje kože, las in splošno dobro počutje.

Neto 150 g | za 30 dni
100% varen nakup z možnostjo vračila brez vprašanj.
  • Uporaba

  • Sestavine

  • Hranilne vrednosti

  • Mnenja kupcev (0)

  • Uporaba

    Mix 1 teaspoon (5 g) of powder in 100 mL of water once a day and mix well.

    The product is not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. The recommended daily intake should not be exceeded.

    Storage: Store in a dry and cool place.

  • Sestavine

    SuperGreens SKIN

    lucuma (pouteria lucuma)*, hemp proteins (cannabis sativa)*, barley grass (hordeum vulgare)*, wheatgrass (triticum aestivum)*, chlorella (chlorella vulgaris)*, natural strawberry flavour, acerola (malpighia emarginata) powder*, kelp (laminariales) powder*, biotin, rosehip (Rosa canina L.) powder*. *organic.

  • Hranilne vrednosti

    Nutritional value100 gPer dosage (5 g)
    Energy442 kcal / 1849 kJ 22 kcal / 92 kJ
    Fat3,8 g 0,19 g
    from which saturated 0,4 g 0,04 g
    Carbohydrates 41,5 g 2 g
    from which sugars 7,4 g 0,4 g
    Fibre 10,7 g 0,5 g
    Protein 24 g 1,2 g
    Salt 0,05 g 0,0025 g
    Zinc2,9 mg (29 % NRV*) 0,1 mg (1,4 % NRV*)
    Calcium170 mg (21 % NRV*) 8,5 mg (1 % NRV*)
    Iron23 mg (164 % NRV*) 1 mg (8 % NRV*)
    Potassium461 mg (23 % NRV*) 23 mg (1 % NRV*)
    Vitamin A 390 μg (49 % NRV*) 20 μg (2,4 % NRV*)
    Vitamin B3 7,9 mg (49 % NRV*) 0,4 mg (2,5 % NRV*)
    Vitamin B75000 μg (10000 % NRV*) 250 μg (10000 % NRV*)
    Phosphorus356 mg (50 % NRV*) 17 mg (2,5 % NRV*)
    Magnesium160 mg (42 % NRV*) 8 mg (2 % NRV*)
    Copper0,38 mg (38 % NRV*) 0,019 mg (1,9 % NRV*)
    Manganese2,4 mg (120 % NRV*)0,12 mg (6 % NRV*)

    *NRV – Nutrient Reference Value

  • Mnenja kupcev (0)

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