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Alpha Man

Food supplement with sweetener

Formula 6 v 1 za podporo mišicam in hormonu T

Cink, črna maca, ašvaganda, magnezij, B-kompleks in vitamin C

  • Prispeva k normalni ravni hormon T v krvi ²
  • Pomaga pri oblikovanju mišic in pridobivanju mišične mase ³
  • Prispeva k normalni sintezi beljakovin in delovanju mišic
  • Prispeva k zmanjšanju utrujenosti in izčrpanosti
  • Pomaga ohranjati optimalno vzdržljivost in vitalnost ¹
  • Podpira telesno zmogljivost ¹
  • S pantotensko kislino, ki prispeva k normalni sintezi in presnovi steroidnih hormonov
  • Brez stimulansov in hormonov, primerno za vegane

Povečajte energijo, spodbudite hormon T in pridobite mišično maso!

Nature's Finest ima že več kot 4,7 milijona kupcev po vsem svetu!

Neto 450 g | za 30 dni
Na zalogi
14 dnevna pravica do vračila denarja
Brezplačna dostava nad 30€
Dostava v 1-2 delovnih dneh

TestoPRO Extreme: Unleash Your Ultimate Strength!

Are you tired of struggling to achieve your fitness goals?

Do you want to enhance your muscle growth, boost your stamina, and reclaim your vitality? Look no further!

TestoPRO Extreme is a game-changing supplement designed for those who want to take their performance to the next level.

  • It supports normal testosterone levels,
  • Helps you build more muscle,
  • And boosts energy, stamina and vitality!

And the best part?

It is 100% hormone-free and suitable for vegans and vegetarians!

This means that it allows your body to regulate hormone production naturally, maintaining a balance that aligns with individual needs and health.

Ready to unlock your full potential? Order your TestoPRO Extreme today!

6-in-1 formulation with proven to work ingredients

1 Črna maca

Črna maca je najredkejša vrsta mace. Podpira telesno in duševno zmogljivost, pomaga ohranjati optimalno vzdržljivost in vitalnost.

2 Cinkov glukanat

Cinkov glukonat je zelo dobro biorazgradljiva oblika cinka, ki prispeva k vzdrževanju normalne ravni hormona T v krvi. Prispeva tudi k ohranjanju normalnega stanja kosti, las, kože in nohtov ter k normalni plodnosti, sintezi DNK in normalnemu kognitivnemu delovanju.

3 Ašvaganda

Ašvaganda ima adaptogene lastnosti, kar pomeni, da pomaga pri obrambnem odzivu telesa na stres. S svojimi sposobnostmi za krepitev telesa pomaga pri izgradnji mišične mase ter ohranjanju optimalne energije in vzdržljivosti.

4 Magnezijev citrat

Magnezijev citrat je visoko biorazgradljiva oblika magnezija, ki prispeva k zmanjšanju utrujenosti in izčrpanosti, normalni sintezi beljakovin in delovanju mišic, prispeva k ohranjanju normalnih kosti in zob ter normalnemu delovanju živčnega sistema.

5 Vitamin C

Vitmin C prispeva k zmanjšanju utrujenosti in izčrpanosti, prispeva k normalnemu delovanju živčnega sistema in psiholoških funkcij ter imunskega sistema in
prispeva k ohranjanju normalnega delovanja imunskega sistema med intenzivno telesno vadbo in po njej.

6 B-kompleks

Kompleks osmih vitaminov B, od katerih ima vsak svoje edinstvene koristi. Vitamini B1, B2, B3, B5 in B12 delujejo proti utrujenosti in izčrpanosti ter vplivajo na raven energije. B5 ali pantotenska kislina prispeva k normalni sintezi in presnovi steroidnih hormonov ter prispeva k zmanjševanju utrujenosti in izčrpanosti.


I've been hitting the gym regularly for years, but recently, I hit a plateau that was frustrating. A friend recommended trying this supplement, and I decided to give it a try. After a month of consistent use, I've noticed a significant boost in my energy levels during workouts. Also my lifts are stronger, and I'm recovering faster.


I've been lifting weights for over 5 years, and I thought I'd seen it all. But this supplement proved me wrong. I've noticed increased endurance during my workouts, and my muscle definition has improved noticeably. What's great is that it feels like a natural boost, not some artificial pump. I'm loving the results, and I'm excited to see how far I can take my physique with this product.


As someone who just started going to the gym a few months ago, I was looking for something to help me kickstart my progress. TestoPRO Extreme was a game-changer for me. Not only did it give me the energy I needed to push through tough workouts, but it also helped me notice some gains quicker than expected.

After the age of 30, testosterone levels drop by 1-2% every year

Your muscles, mood, energy and libido all depend on Testosterone!

Testosterone, often referred to as the “male hormone”, plays a pivotal role in both men and women, influencing various aspects of our physical and mental well being.

It performs anabolic functions, which means it affects muscle growth, bone strength, as well as stamina and other functions in the body.

But as the years go by, the body’s ability to maintain optimal testosterone levels starts to decline, which results in some consequences, including:

– loss of muscle mass,

– mood swings,

– weight gain,

– fatigue,

– low energy levels

– etc.

Boosting testosterone naturally isn’t just about gaining muscle or increasing your stamina.

It’s about enhancing your overall quality of life!

If you want sustainable results, your only option is to support your natural testosterone production in your body, without resorting to synthetic hormones, which can carry negative and unwanted side effects.

Higher testosterone levels translate to better physical performance, whether you’re an athlete or simply enjoy an active lifestyle.

With black maca, the rareset form of maca, it supports physical and mental performance and helps maintain optimal stamina and vitality, and Ashwagandha, which is known for it’s adaptogenic and muscle building properties, both in their concentrated extract forms  –

This 6-in-1 muscle support complex helps you to achieve your goals faster than ever before!

Alpha Man

6-in-1 Muscle and Testosterone support complex

  • Prispeva k normalni ravni hormona T ²
  • Pomaga pri oblikovanju mišic, pridobivanju mišične mase ³
  • Prispeva k normalni sintezi beljakovin in delovanju mišic ⁴
  • Prispeva k zmanjšanju utrujenosti in izčrpanosti ⁴
  • Pomaga ohranjati optimalno vzdržljivost in vitalnost ¹
  • Podpira telesno zmogljivost ¹
  • Brez poživil ali hormonov, primerno za vegane

Pogosta vprašanja naših uporabnikov:

How and why does it work?

TestoPRO Extreme works by combining a unique blend of ingredients such as Black Maca, Ashwagandha, and zinc gluconate, which support the body's natural testosterone production, hormonal balance, and energy levels, resulting in improved muscle function, reduced fatigue, and enhanced overall well-being.

Who is it suitable for?

It's suitable for individuals and athlethes looking to enhance their fitness performance, increase muscle mass, improve energy levels, reduce fatigue, boost stamina, experience better mood and confidence, and support overall vitality.

What ingredients does it contain?

Maltodextrin, magnesium citrate, vitamin C, black maca extract, ashwagandha extract, pineapple flavor, stabilizer: cellulose, zinc gluconate, B-complex, sweetener: steviol glycoside.

What does it taste like?

TestoPRO Extreme has a refreshing pineapple flavour.

How do I use it?

Mix 5 g (1 scoop) into a glass (150 mL) of water and drink.

What if I don't like the product?

No worries! We offer a satisfaction guarantee. If the product does not meet your expectations, we provide a 14-day refund.

Alpha Man

Formula 6 v 1 za podporo mišicam in hormonu T

Cink, črna maca, ašvaganda, magnezij, B-kompleks in vitamin C

  • Prispeva k normalni ravni hormon T v krvi ²
  • Pomaga pri oblikovanju mišic in pridobivanju mišične mase ³
  • Prispeva k normalni sintezi beljakovin in delovanju mišic
  • Prispeva k zmanjšanju utrujenosti in izčrpanosti
  • Pomaga ohranjati optimalno vzdržljivost in vitalnost ¹
  • Podpira telesno zmogljivost ¹
  • S pantotensko kislino, ki prispeva k normalni sintezi in presnovi steroidnih hormonov
  • Brez stimulansov in hormonov, primerno za vegane

Povečajte energijo, spodbudite hormon T in pridobite mišično maso!

Nature's Finest ima že več kot 4,7 milijona kupcev po vsem svetu!

Neto 450 g | za 30 dni
100% varen nakup z možnostjo vračila brez vprašanj.
  • Uporaba

  • Sestavine

  • Hranilne vrednosti

  • Mnenja kupcev (0)

  • Uporaba

    Mix one 1 scoop (5g) into a glass of water, stir and drink.

    We recommend weighing for accurate dosage.


    The recommended daily amount or dose should not be exceeded. A food supplement is not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. It is not recommended to use during pregnancy and lactation. Store in a cool, dry place. Keep out of the reach of children!

    Due to natural variations in the properties of the active ingredients, the colour, taste and smell of the product may vary slightly from batch to batch. These changes do not affect the overall quality and performance of the product.

  • Sestavine

    TestoPRO Extreme – food supplement with sweeteners.

    Ingredients: maltodextrin, magnesium citrate, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), black maca extract (Lepidium meyenii), ashwagandha extract (Withania Somnifera), pineapple flavor, stabilizer: cellulose, zinc gluconate, B-complex mixture (thiamine mononitrate, riboflavin, pyridoxine hydrochloride , cyanocobalamin, folic acid, calcium-D pantothenate, nicotine amide), sweetener: steviol glycoside.

  • Hranilne vrednosti

    Nutritional valuesPer serving (5 g)
    Magnesium citrate150 mg (40% *NRV)
    Vitamin C250 mg (313% *NRV)
    Black maca extract200 mg
    Ashwaganda extract200 mg
    Zinc gluconate10 mg (100% *NRV)
    B-complex50 mg (100% *NRV)
    Vitamin B11,1 mg (100% *NRV)
    Vitamin B21,4 mg (100% *NRV)
    Vitamin B61,4 mg (100% *NRV)
    Vitamin B122,5 μg (100 % NRV)
    Folic acid200 μg (100 % NRV)
    Pantothenic acid6 mg (100 % *NRV)
    Niacin16 mg (100 % *NRV)

    * NRV = Nutritional Reference Value

  • Mnenja kupcev (0)

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