Cellulite PRO
Food supplement with sweetener
Ultimativni dodatek proti celulitu z izvlečkom rdečega vina in izvlečkom kamboške garcinije – dokazano zmanjšuje celulit in podpira hujšanje!
ProGarcinia™ (60% HCA) – vrhunska tehnologija z visokim deležem hidroksicitronske kisline, ki zmanjšuje skladiščenje maščob v telesu
- Trojno anticelulitno delovanje
- Pomaga zmanjšati videz celulita ¹
- Pomaga nadzorovati in stabilizirati telesno težo ¹
- Pomaga izboljšati silhueto telesa ¹
- Pomaga zatreti občutek lakote ²
- Prispeva k zmanjšanemu skladiščenju maščob ²
- Pomaga vzdrževati normalno raven krvnega sladkorja in maščob ²
- HCK zmanjša razgradnjo maščob iz hrane in pomaga pri hujšanju ²
- Odpravite odvečno telesno težo in ohranite sitost ²
Zmanjšajte videz celulita od znotraj navzven!

Cellulite - a problem for over 80% of women!
Cellulite can develop in several parts of your body, especially on your thighs, stomach and buttocks.
While the reasons for it vary, they most often have to do with poor microcirculation and subcutaneous fat buildup, which presses on the skin's surface from below and creates the characteristic appearance of cellulite.
Do you have the dreaded orange-peel look too?
- Dimpled skin on your thighs, buttocks, stomach or arms
- Extra weight you can’t get rid of
- You’ve tried exercise but it doesn’t seem to work
- You spend most of your days sitting down, which blocks your blood and lymph circulation
We have the perfect solution!
Cellulite PRO - fight cellulite in the most effective way: from within!
Reduce your cellulite with Polyphenols and HCA!
Cellulite PRO with triple anti-cellulite effect:
Reduces fat storage in the body
With powerful ProGarcinia™ extract, contaning 60% hydroxycitric acid (HCA), a natural compound that inhibits the enzyme lipase, which is responsible for fat breakdown in the body, this revolutionar anti-celullite formula helps in preventing fat accumulation and weight loss in the body.
Reduces cellulite
Red wine extract with 30% polyphenols helps to reduce cellulite and improve the body’s silhouette.
Boost weight loss & supress hunger
Garcinia cambogia also helps us to suppress the feeling of hunger, which comes in handy when trying to slim down. It helps us to reduce food intake, burn off excess body weight, contributes to the reduction of fat storage and helps maintain satiation, making it the champion for getting you weight loss results fast!

Cellulite PRO
Zmniejsz cellulit i pozbądź się zbędnych kilogramów
Trojno anticelulitno delovanje
Pomaga zmanjšati videz celulita ¹
Pomaga nadzorovati in stabilizirati telesno težo ¹
Zavira občutek lakote ²
HCA zmanjša razgradnjo maščob iz hrane in pomaga pri hujšanju ²
Odpravite odvečno telesno težo in ohranite sitost ²
Cellulite PRO
Ultimativni dodatek proti celulitu z izvlečkom rdečega vina in izvlečkom kamboške garcinije – dokazano zmanjšuje celulit in podpira hujšanje!
ProGarcinia™ (60% HCA) – vrhunska tehnologija z visokim deležem hidroksicitronske kisline, ki zmanjšuje skladiščenje maščob v telesu
- Trojno anticelulitno delovanje
- Pomaga zmanjšati videz celulita ¹
- Pomaga nadzorovati in stabilizirati telesno težo ¹
- Pomaga izboljšati silhueto telesa ¹
- Pomaga zatreti občutek lakote ²
- Prispeva k zmanjšanemu skladiščenju maščob ²
- Pomaga vzdrževati normalno raven krvnega sladkorja in maščob ²
- HCK zmanjša razgradnjo maščob iz hrane in pomaga pri hujšanju ²
- Odpravite odvečno telesno težo in ohranite sitost ²
Zmanjšajte videz celulita od znotraj navzven!
The recommended daily dose is 5 g (1 scoop). Mix into a glass (150 ml) of water and drink.
For precise measuring we suggest weighing.
The recommended daily amount should not be exceeded. The nutritional supplement is not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. Not recommended to use during pregnancy and lactation.
Storage: store in a cool and dry place. Keep out of reach of children!
Cellulite PRO – food supplement with sweetener.
Ingredients: Maltodextrin, red wine extract (Vitis vinifera L.) (30% polyphenols), forest fruits aroma, garcinia cambogia extract (Garcinia gummi-gutta) (60% hydroxycytric acid – HCA), stabiliser: cellulose, sweetener: steviol glycosides.
Hranilne vrednosti
Nutritional values Per 5g Red wine extract 200 mg - of wich polyphenols 60 mg Garcinia cambogia extract 150 mg - of which hydroxycitric acid 90 mg * NRV = prehranska referenčna vrednost
Mnenja kupcev (1)
. - 19.02.2024
Se la confezione di Double cellulite Attack e di 125g e la dose giornaliera è di 5 mg
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