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Detox Belly Burn 1+1 GRATIS

2-in-1 slimming detox formula that helps eliminate stubborn belly fat

PROVEN RESULTS: Patented Neopuntia™ formula increases fat elimination by 27% and supports weight loss

  • Works in 2 steps: Removes toxins & increases fat elimination
  • Triple detox power: milk thistle, artichoke extract and chlorella
  • Contributes to the detoxification potential of the liver
  • Fibers blend absorbs undigested fats and sugars
  • 28% of undigested fat binds to Neopuntia™
  • Stimulates metabolism and helps the digestive system
  • Helps you lose excess body weight
  • Supports healthy weight management

Detox your body and get rid of stubborn belly fat

Neto 250 g | za 50 dni
Redna cena: 49,80 
Na zalogi
in prihrani 24,90 
14 dnevna pravica do vračila denarja
Brezplačna dostava nad 30€
Dostava v 1-2 delovnih dneh

Z Detox Belly Burn nad obloge in razstrupljanje telesa!


Inovativna patentirana mešanica prehranskih vlaknin Neopuntia™ daje občutek sitosti in pomaga povečati izločanje maščobe za do 27%. ¹

Izvleček pegastega badlja in artičoke pomaga pri razstrupljevalnem potencialu jeter. ²

Klorela pomaga pri normalnem delovanju črevesja.³

Z aromo pomaranče in sladilom steviol glikozidi ima napitek svež okus po citrusih.



Neopuntia™ dietary fibers blend helps to incrase fat elimiantion by 27% and supports weight loss. A clinical study showed that Neopuntia™ also has a positive effect on the regulation of blood lipid levels, as it increases HDL cholesterol levels.

Milk thistle & artichoke extract

Milk thistle contributes to the detoxification potential of the liver and as well as artichokes, supports liver health. Artichokes have the ability to cleanse and detoxify the liver. In addition, they promote the loss of excess weight and take care of proper digestion.


Chlorella helps maintain the normal function of the colon, reduces irritation of the intestinal wall, promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora, and removes toxic compounds from the body.


Results are quickly noticeable and weight loss is more successful than if you just exercise and eat healthy. I already lost 2,5 cm around my waist!


I have been using Detox Belly Burn for 1 month now and I am really impressed with the results. I have already lost quite some fat around my stomach, which was my goal.


I have issues with digestion and fat around my stomach. I decided to give this mix a try and so far the results have been good. I feel better and I really have the feeling that my body is cleaning, great.

Reset your body and stimulate weight loss!


Powerful 2-in-1 slimming detox formula that boosts liver detoxification and helps remove built up toxins.


With the help of Neopuntia™ patented dietary fibers it helps to increse it’s elimination by 27% and support weight loss!


A study also showed that Neopuntia™ also has a positive effect on the regulation of blood lipid levels, increasing HDL levels (good cholesterol) – ensuring safe and reliable weight loss results!



Detox Belly Burn 1+1 GRATIS

The ultimate 2-in-1 slimming detox

  • Double action: Detox the body and eliminate stubborn fat
  • Clinically proven results with patented Neopuntia™ formula
  • Helps you lose excess weight
  • Stimulates metabolism and helps the digestive system

Pogosta vprašanja naših uporabnikov:

How and why it works?

With Neopuntia™ dietary fibers blend and powerful natural detox ingredients it helps to clean your body of toxins and increase fat elimination, providing the best weight loss results!

Who is it suitable for?

It's suitable for anyone who wants to lose weight, burn stubborn fat and improve their digestion and physique.

What ingredients does it contain?

Neopuntia, chlorella powder, natural orange flavor, milk thistle extract, artichoke extract, sweetener steviol glycosides.

What does it taste like?

This detox drink has a fresh green citrus flavor.

When will my package arrive?

We will do our best to process your order the same day and send it out for delivery. On average, packages are delivered between 2-3 days.

What if I don't like the product?

No worries! We offer a satisfaction guarantee. If the product does not meet your expectations, we provide a 14-day refund.


Detox Belly Burn 1+1 GRATIS

2-in-1 slimming detox formula that helps eliminate stubborn belly fat

PROVEN RESULTS: Patented Neopuntia™ formula increases fat elimination by 27% and supports weight loss

  • Works in 2 steps: Removes toxins & increases fat elimination
  • Triple detox power: milk thistle, artichoke extract and chlorella
  • Contributes to the detoxification potential of the liver
  • Fibers blend absorbs undigested fats and sugars
  • 28% of undigested fat binds to Neopuntia™
  • Stimulates metabolism and helps the digestive system
  • Helps you lose excess body weight
  • Supports healthy weight management

Detox your body and get rid of stubborn belly fat

Neto 250 g | za 50 dni
Redna cena: 49,80 
in prihrani 24,90 
100% varen nakup z možnostjo vračila brez vprašanj.
  • Uporaba

  • Sestavine

  • Hranilne vrednosti

  • Mnenja kupcev (0)

  • Uporaba

    Mix 1 scoop (5 g) in a glass of water (200 mL) and drink.


    The recommended daily amount or dose must not be exceeded. A nutritional supplement is not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are not advised to use it.

    Store in a dry and cool place. Keep out of reach of children!

  • Sestavine

    Detox Belly Burn – diatary supplement with sweetener

    Ingredients: maltodextrin, Neopuntia (prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica)), chlorella powder (Chlorella vulgaris), natural orange flavor, stabilizer: cellulose, milk thistle extract (Silybum marianum L.), artichoke extract (Cynara scolymus L.), sweetener steviol glycosides.

  • Hranilne vrednosti

    Per portion (5 g)
    Neopuntia™1000 mg
    Chlorella250 mg
    Milk thistle extract100 mg
    Artichoke extract12,5 mg

    * NRV = dietary reference value

  • Mnenja kupcev (0)

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