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100% naravno | brez dodanega sladkorja

High Protein Porridge Berry

Okusna ovsena kaša z visoko vsebnostjo beljakovin

  • 12 g BELJAKOVIN na porcijo
  • Vsebuje vse esencialne aminokisline
  • Prispeva k povečanju in vzdrževanju mišične mase ²
  • Izjemen sladek okus s 100% naravnim suhim sadjem
  • Vir vitamina D3
  • Brez dodanih sladkorjev
  • Hitra in enostavna priprava
  • 163 kcal na porcijo, 6 porcij

Nature's Finest ima že več kot 4,7 milijona strank iz celega sveta!

Neto 300 g
Redna cena: 5,45 
Na zalogi
in prihrani 1,09 
14 dnevna pravica do vračila denarja
Brezplačna dostava nad 30€
Dostava v 1-2 delovnih dneh

Optimal Muscle Building Nutrition

1 Oves

Oves vsebuje več beljakovin kot večina drugih žitaric in je odličen vir vlaknin. Je lahko prebavljiv. Poleg tega je še zelo okusen!

2 Sirotkine beljakovine

Sirotka je polnovredna, visokokakovostna beljakovina, ki vsebuje vse esencialne aminokisline ter prispeva k povečanju in ohranjanju mišične mase.

3 Riževe beljakovine

Riževe beljakovine imajo skoraj popoln aminokislinski profil, saj vsebujejo 19 aminokislin, od katerih je 9 esencialnih.

4 Mešanica suhega sadja in jagodičja

Za izjemen sladek občutek smo dodali suhe murve, goji jagode in fige.

5 Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 prispeva k ohranjanju zdravih zob in kosti ter k delovanju mišic. Prispeva tudi k normalni ravni kalcija v krvi.


My favorite way to start the day! It helps me to get in the high quality protein for training, with the added benefit of beaing so delicious. Love it


A super delicious outmeal, it's really convenient plus it tastes so good! The only problem is that I usually make way to much of it haha, but oats are my favorite. And I like the blend of proteins to really get the complete amino acid profile, with helps me build muscle and recover from workouts.


Protein porridge seemed like a great way to get more protein in my diet, besides just using regular protein powders. I was surprised at how much time it saves me in the morning, I also take it with me to work, it's really convenient. The berry and the choclate one are sooo good, definitely recommend trying both flavors. 10/10


Easy, Convenient and Delicious way to get more High Quality Protein!


The blend of whey and plant protein is a favorite of all athletes or anybody looking for a balanced breakfast or snack. It’s the perfect way to get all the essential nutrients your body needs to build strong muscle and be full of energy all day long!


Order your Nature’s Finest High Protein Porridge today and provide your muscles with the optimal nutrition to grow, while taking care of your body as well!



High Protein Porridge Berry

Delicious breakfast for energy and muscle growth

  • brez dodanega sladkorja
  • Izjemen sladek okus jagodičevja s 100 % naravnim suhim sadjem
  • Hitra in enostavna priprava
  • 12 g beljakovin na porcijo
  • 63 kcal na porcijo, 6 porcij

Pogosta vprašanja naših uporabnikov:


Protein oatmeal with dried fruit for a delicious start to the day. With a high content of dietary fiber, protein and with the addition of vitamin D3. Due to the quick and easy preparation, it's the ideal protein breakfast or snack.

Who is it for?

It is intended for athletes, recreationists, body builders and everyone else who wants to build muscle or lives an active llifestyle.

What ingredients does it contain?

Oat bran, whey protein, rice protein, sage seeds, goji berries, mulberries, chopped figs, natural vanilla aroma, vitamin D3.

What does it taste like?

This oat porrige tastes like sweet delicious fruits and berries.

How soon do I get the package?

We will do our best to process your order the same day and deliver it. On average, packages are delivered between 2-3 days.

What if I don't like the product?

No worries! If you are not 100% satisfied with the product, we will refund the purchase price within 14 days from the day of purchase!


High Protein Porridge Berry

Okusna ovsena kaša z visoko vsebnostjo beljakovin

  • 12 g BELJAKOVIN na porcijo
  • Vsebuje vse esencialne aminokisline
  • Prispeva k povečanju in vzdrževanju mišične mase ²
  • Izjemen sladek okus s 100% naravnim suhim sadjem
  • Vir vitamina D3
  • Brez dodanih sladkorjev
  • Hitra in enostavna priprava
  • 163 kcal na porcijo, 6 porcij

Nature's Finest ima že več kot 4,7 milijona strank iz celega sveta!

Neto 300 g
Redna cena: 5,45 
in prihrani 1,09 
100% varen nakup z možnostjo vračila brez vprašanj.
  • Uporaba

  • Sestavine

  • Hranilne vrednosti

  • Mnenja kupcev (0)

  • Uporaba

    Mix with warm water or milk, wait 2 to 3 minutes and eat. The recommended daily amount is 50 g.

    You can also prepare it with milk, yogurt, smoothie or plant based drinks like oatmeal, rice, almond etc.

  • Sestavine

    High Protein Porridge Berry

    Ingredients: Oat bran (avena sativa), whey protein, rice protein, sweetener erythritol, sage (salvia hispanica) seeds, goji berries (Lycium barbarum), mulberries (morus alba), chopped figs (ficus carica), natural vanilla aroma, stabilizer: cellulose, vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol).

    Contains gluten, milk, lactose. May contain traces of soy, peanuts, nuts and sesame.

  • Hranilne vrednosti

    Nutritional valuesPer 100 gPer serving (30 g)
    Energy1370 kJ/327 kcal685 kJ/163 kcal
    Fat6,5 g3,3 g
    of which saturated fat1,5 g0,8 g
    Carbohydrates48 g24 g
    of which sugars8,0 g4,0 g
    Fiber9,7 g4,9 g
    Protein25 g12 g
    Salt0,18 g0,09 g
    Vitamin D25 µg/1000 IU (500% NRV*)12,5 µg/500 IU (250% NRV*)

    * NRV = prehranska referenčna vrednost

  • Mnenja kupcev (0)

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