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Hormone Balance PRO

Food supplement with sweetener

Naravna in celostna formula 12 v 1 za izboljšanje zdravja žensk in hormonskega ravnovesja

Z znanstveno dokazanimi sestavinami: Šentjanževko, baldrijanom, ašvagando, cinkom, B-kompleksom in vitaminom C

  • Prispeva k uravnavanju hormonskega delovanja ⁵
  • Pomaga ohranjati duševno in čustveno ravnovesje ³
  • Podpira zdravje ženskih reproduktivnih organov ³
  • Izboljšuje odpornost telesa na stres ³
  • Pomaga odpraviti nespečnost in ohranjati kakovost spanca ²
  • Pomaga ohranjati stabilen nivo energije ³
  • Prispeva k zmanjšanju utrujenosti in izčrpanosti
  • Prispeva k uravnavanju hormonskega delovanja
  • Prispeva k zagotavljanju normalne plodnosti in sposobnosti reprodukcije⁴
  • Prispeva k čustvenemu ravnovesju in pozitivnemu razpoloženju ¹

Vnesite harmonijo v svoje življenje z našo rastlinsko formulo za doseganje hormonskega ravnovesja

Nature's Finest ima že več kot 4,7 milijona kupcev po vsem svetu!

Neto 150 g | za 30 dni
Na zalogi
14 dnevna pravica do vračila denarja
Brezplačna dostava nad 30€
Dostava v 1-2 delovnih dneh

Hormone Balance PRO: Your Path to Harmonious Well-being

If you often find yourself struggling to:

  • keep up with your emotions,
  • cope with stress,
  • sleep peacefully,
  • have issues with your menstrual cycle,
  • can't maintain energy levels

These might all be signs, pointaing to your hormones being out of balance.

If you're a woman in your 20s, 30s, 40s or beyond, you're probablly no stranger to the challenges that come with hormone changes. And sometimes, it can get overwhelming.

That's where Hormone Balance PRO steps in - a holistic and natural formula with 12 active ingredients, specifically designed to bring your hormones back into balance and support your physical and mental well-being.

Say goodbye to erratic mood swings, sleepless nights and hormonal chaos... Order your Hormone Balance PRO today!

Scientifically proven safe ingredients

1 Izvleček šentjanževke

Učinkovito zelišče, ki ima krepčilne in obnovitvene lastnosti ter pomaga ohranjati čustveno ravnovesje in pozitivno razpoloženje. Prav tako pomaga izboljšati stanje srčno-žilnega sistema, učvrstiti telo, spodbuditi miselne sposobnosti in povečati prilagodljivost telesa na stres.

2 Izvleček baldrijana

Baldrijan je cvetoča rastlina, ki izvira iz Evrope in Azije ter ima močne pozitivne učinke na spanje in sproščanje. Dokazano pomaga lažje zaspati, ohranja kakovost spanca ter podpira duševno in telesno dobro počutje.

3 Izvleček ašvagande

Ašvaganda ima adaptogene lastnosti, kar pomeni, da pomaga pri obrambnem odzivu telesa na stres. Pomaga ohranjati duševno in čustveno ravnovesje, podpira zdravje ženskih reproduktivnih organov, izboljšuje odpornost telesa na stres, raven energije ter podpira proces učenja in ohranjanja spomina.

4 Cinkov glukonat

Cinkov glukonat je visoko biorazpoložljiva oblika cinka, ki prispeva k zagotavljanju normalne plodnosti in sposobnosti reprodukcije. Prispeva tudi k ohranjanju zdravih kosti, las, nohtov in kože, ima vlogo v procesu delitve celic, pomaga ščititi celice pred oksidativnimi poškodbami in prispeva k normalnim kognitivnim funkcijam.

5 B-kompleks

Kompleks osmih vitaminov B, od katerih ima vsak svoje edinstvene koristi. Vitamini B1, B2, B3, B5 in B12 delujejo proti utrujenosti in izčrpanosti ter vplivajo na raven energije. B5 ali pantotenska kislina prispeva k normalni sintezi in presnovi steroidnih hormonov ter prispeva k zmanjševanju utrujenosti in izčrpanosti.

6 Vitamin C

Vitamin C je pomemben antioksidant, ki ščiti naše celice pred oksidativnim stresom. Prispeva k normalnemu delovanju živčevja in imunskega sistema.


I can't thank Nature's Finest enough for this product. Life has been a rollercoaster for me lately, but since I started using it I've noticed a remarkable change. My moods are more stable, I sleep like a baby, and I have the energy to tackle anything life throws at me.


As a working mom in my 30s, handling a career and family, I was feeling overwhelmed and exhausted for a few years now. Since I stated using this product, I've noticed that my stress levels are down, my energy is up, and I'm finally getting the rest I need. I can say that I am positively surprised, will keep using it for sure :)


After trying numerous products to address my hormonal issues, I still didn't get the results I was looking for. I won't say that it's magic but it has helped quite a bit. My mood swings have gotten a lot better, digestive problems have improved and I'm feeling more confident about my overall health. I wish I had discovered this sooner!

Studied positive effects of Hormone Balance PRO

A study on the effects of Hormone Balance PRO reveals positive results!

A placebo controlled study with 100 participants between the ages of 26 and 60, where half of the participants received the recommended daily dosage (5 g) of the supplement, while the other half received a placebo, revealed the following results:

After 2 months (60 days) of taking the supplement,

  • Excessive fatigue and exhaustion decreased by 64%*
  • Bad mood and irritability decreased by 65%*
  • Mental and physical fatigue were significantly reduced, by 66%*
  • The quality of sleep improved and insomnia decreased, in 65%* of users of the Hormone balance PRO.

*Based on a study. Results may vary from person to person.

Regulate your hormones naturally

Regain control of your life and rediscover the harmony that’s been missing.

Did you know? What you take, your body stops producing.

Hormones are chemical messengers that trigger countless vital processes in our body.

Maintaining their balance is essential for overall health, and the approach we take to achieve their balance matters greatly.

Support your body in balancing hormones naturally!

In recent times, hormone therapies and products containing synthetic hormones have gained popularity as “quick fixes” for hormonal imbalances.

While they may provide temporary relief, it’s essential to reflect on the long-term consequences of such approaches. You may see quick results, but at what cost?

Hormone production is controled by our glands.

There are more than 10 major glands in the human body, including the thyroid gland, adrenal gland, pituitary gland etc., that play a crucial role in the production and regulation of various hormones.

For various reasons, such as diet, stress, lack of sleep etc. these glands can become “lazy”

They stop producing hormones in sufficient quantities, causing a disruption in the functioning of our body, resulting in various unwanted symptoms.

If we try to fix this problem by artificially adding hormones into our body,

We are simply letting our glands know – that they don’t need to produce them anymore!

But once we stop adding the hormones, everything collapses.

That’s why most users, that start hormone therapies, have to continue them for life.

The solution?

Support your hormone production by strenghtening your body and glands as a whole!

Hormone Balance PRO

A natural 12-in-1 formula with active and powerful plant extracts, designed to support hormone balance.

From mood swings or emotional fluctuations, fatigue or persistent tiredness, not sleeping well, weight changes, digestive issues, PMS or other female cycle symptoms, trouble dealing with stress etc. – the underlying cause is mostly all the same!

If you hormones are out of balance, your body can’t function properly.

If you’re ready to improve your body holistically and achieve:

  1. Natural Hormonal Balance by supporting your body’s ability to produce and manage hormones.
  2. Holistic Wellness by addressing a wide range of hormonal symptoms, while minimizing the risk of side effects, thanks to carefully selected natural ingredients.
  3. Lasting Results by addressing the core issue and supporting your body’s natural hormone balancing processes.

Order your Hormone Balance PRO today, and experience the positive effects for yourself!

Hormone Balance PRO

12-in-1 formula for women's health and hormone balance

  • Pomaga ohranjati duševno in čustveno ravnovesje ³
  • Podpira zdravje ženskih reproduktivnih organov ³
  • Izboljša odpornost telesa na stres ³
  • Pomaga vzdrževati stabilno raven energije ³
  • Prispeva k zmanjšanju utrujenosti in izčrpanosti ⁶
  • Prispeva k čustvenemu ravnovesju in pozitivnemu razpoloženju ¹
  • Prispeva k zagotavljanju normalne plodnosti in sposobnosti reprodukcije ⁴
  • Pripomore k odpravljanju nespečnosti in ohranjanju mirnega spanca ²
  • Prispeva k uravnavanju hormonskega delovanja ⁵

Pogosta vprašanja naših uporabnikov:

How and why does it work?

Hormone Balance PRO works synergistically by harnessing the power of scientifically supported ingredients such as St. John's Wort, Valerian, Ashwagandha, Zinc, B-complex, and Vitamin C to naturally regulate hormonal activity and restore balance within the body.

Who is it suitable for?

It's suitable for women seeking a natural and holistic solution to address a wide range of symptoms related to hormonal imbalances, including mood swings, sleep disturbances, fatigue, stress, and digestive issues, while promoting emotional balance, reproductive health, and overall vitality.

What ingredients does it contain?

Maltodextrin, vitamin C, raspberry flavour, ashwagandha extract, St. John’s worth extract, stabiliser: cellulose, valerian extract, beet concentrate, zinc gluconate, B-complex mix, sweetener: steviol glycoside.

What does it taste like?

Hormone balance PRO has a sweet raspberry flavour.

How do I use it?

Mix 5 g (1 scoop) into a glass (150 mL) of water and drink.

What if I don't like the product?

No worries! We offer a satisfaction guarantee. If the product does not meet your expectations, we provide a 60-day refund.

Hormone Balance PRO

Naravna in celostna formula 12 v 1 za izboljšanje zdravja žensk in hormonskega ravnovesja

Z znanstveno dokazanimi sestavinami: Šentjanževko, baldrijanom, ašvagando, cinkom, B-kompleksom in vitaminom C

  • Prispeva k uravnavanju hormonskega delovanja ⁵
  • Pomaga ohranjati duševno in čustveno ravnovesje ³
  • Podpira zdravje ženskih reproduktivnih organov ³
  • Izboljšuje odpornost telesa na stres ³
  • Pomaga odpraviti nespečnost in ohranjati kakovost spanca ²
  • Pomaga ohranjati stabilen nivo energije ³
  • Prispeva k zmanjšanju utrujenosti in izčrpanosti
  • Prispeva k uravnavanju hormonskega delovanja
  • Prispeva k zagotavljanju normalne plodnosti in sposobnosti reprodukcije⁴
  • Prispeva k čustvenemu ravnovesju in pozitivnemu razpoloženju ¹

Vnesite harmonijo v svoje življenje z našo rastlinsko formulo za doseganje hormonskega ravnovesja

Nature's Finest ima že več kot 4,7 milijona kupcev po vsem svetu!

Neto 150 g | za 30 dni
100% varen nakup z možnostjo vračila brez vprašanj.
  • Uporaba

  • Sestavine

  • Hranilne vrednosti

  • Mnenja kupcev (0)

  • Uporaba

    Mix 1 scoop (5 g) into a glass of water, stir and drink.

    For precise measuring we suggest weighing.


    he recommended daily amount or dose should not be exceeded. A food supplement is not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. It is not recommended to use during pregnancy and lactation. Store in a cool, dry place. Keep out of the reach of children!

    Due to natural variations in the properties of the active ingredients, the colour, taste and smell of the product may vary slightly from batch to batch. These changes do not affect the overall quality and performance of the product.

  • Sestavine

    Hormone Balance PRO, 150 g – food supplement with sweetener.

    Ingredient: maltodextrin, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), raspberry flavour, ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) extract, St. John’s worth (Hypericum perforatum L.) extract, stabiliser: cellulose, valerian (valeriana officinalis l.) extract, beet concentrate (maltodextrin, powder of beetroot (Beta Vulgaris)), zinc gluconate, B-complex mix (Thiaminmononitrate, Riboflavine, Pyridoxine hydrochloride, Cyanocobalamin, Folic acid, Calcium-D-pantothenate, Nicotine amid), sweetener: steviol glycoside.

  • Hranilne vrednosti

    Active ingredientsper serving (5 g)
    Vitamin C250 mg (250% *NRV)
    Ashwagandha extract150 mg
    St. John's worth extract100 mg
    Valerian extract100 mg
    Zinc5 mg (50% *NRV)
    B-complex50 mg (100% *NRV)
    Vitamin B11,1 mg (100% *NRV)
    Vitamin B21,4 mg (100% *NRV)
    Vitamin B61,4 mg (100% *NRV)
    Vitamin B123 μg (100% *NRV)
    Folic acid200 μg (100% *NRV)
    Pantothenic acid6 mg (100% *NRV)
    Niacin B316 mg (100% *NRV)

    * NRV = Nutritional Reference Value

  • Mnenja kupcev (0)

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