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100% naravno | brez dodanega sladkorja | vegansko

Natural Peanut Butter – Creamy Classic 350 g

100% natural and delicious creamy peanut butter 

For those who don't like crunch - just creamy deliciousness!

  • Perfect for: sandwiches, deserts, cookies, cakes, or simply eating it with your spoon!
  • Without added salt or sugar
  • Without palm oil
  • Source of healthy fats

Made with love and care, from the best roasted peanuts!

Nature's Finest already has over 4,7 million customers from all over the world!

Neto 350 g
Na zalogi
14 dnevna pravica do vračila denarja
Brezplačna dostava nad 30€
Dostava v 1-2 delovnih dneh

Simple and delicious!

Nature's Finest natural peanut butter is made from 100% natural roasted peanuts.

Each jar is a celebration of pure, wholesome goodness. And not a single one contains any palm oil, added sugar or salt!

It's a great, nutritious snack, rich in healthy fats and protein. Perfect for any time of the day and you can combine it with pretty much anything you want.

So allow yourself a little break and indulge in the velvety richness of our creamy and natural peanut butter!

Only 1 ingredient!

Roasted peanuts

Roasted peanuts with a deep flavour and heavenly aroma.


I love the natural simple flavor, it's everything that peanut butter should be, and nothing else :) Plus the packaging is handy


I use it a lot for desserts but also just meals for my daughter, she loves it even more than I do haha, which is hard to believe


I love peanut butter. This one doesn't have any added salt or sugar, which is great and hard to find.

Key Features:  

Made with only peanuts! There’s no extra stuff in our peanut butter. It’s made with roasted peanuts with a rich taste and delicious aroma – and that’s it!

Rich and creamy: Experience the luxurious texture that simply melts in your mouth.

Premium ingredients: We source only the highest quality roasted peanuts to ensure a superior taste and unrivalled quality.

Versatile delight: Spread it on toast, swirl it into oatmeal, or use it as a secret ingredient in your favourite recipes – the possibilities are endless.

Why choose our peanut butter?

Unmatched creaminess: Our unique blend results in a smooth consistency that sets our peanut butter apart from the rest.

Rich in unsaturated fats: Packed with unsaturated fats, which are healthy for you, if consumed in moderation. it’s not just a treat for your taste buds but also a nutritious addition to your diet.

No extra salt, sugars or palm oil. Just pure, delicious roasted peanuts for a delicious afternoon-snack!

Countless delicious recipes – which one is your favourite?

We all love peanut butter!

You can spread it on toast or crackers, use it as a dip, bake cookies, cakes or other sweets, add it to smoothies, or even use it when cooking, to add that unforgettable nutty and savory flavor to your dishes!

Steal these easy and delicious recipe ideas:

🥜 Peanut Butter Energy Bites

For a quick energy boost, mix oats, peanut butter, dark chocolate chips, maple syrup, and vanilla extract. Form bite-sized balls and chill for 30 minutes ‒ a delightful and convenient on-the-go snack. These no-bake treats serve as a convenient, energy-packed snack for those busy days on the go.

🥜 Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

Blend ripe bananas, smooth peanut butter, and rice or almond milk for a creamy start to your day or a post-workout treat. Add ice cubes for extra refreshment—simple, nutritious, and satisfying choice for a wholesome breakfast or revitalizing after a workout.

🥜 Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

It’s peanut butter jelly time! Craft a classic PB&J Sandwich by spreading peanut butter and your favourite jelly or jam on toasted bread—a timeless and easy lunch or snack option.

🥜 Pad Thai Peanut Noodles

Create a flavourful Pad Thai with cooked rice noodles, soy sauce, garlic, shredded carrots, red bell pepper, sesame oil, honey, and peanut butter. Toss these savoury ingredients together to create a dish bursting with authentic flavours. Complete the experience by garnishing with crushed peanuts for an extra layer of texture and savouriness.

Hungry yet? We sure are!

Hurry up and order your Nature’s Finest Peanut Butter – the perfect snack!

Natural Peanut Butter – Creamy Classic 350 g

100% natural peanut butter without additives

  • No added sugar
  • No added salt
  • Without palm oil
  • Without additives
  • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans

Pogosta vprašanja naših uporabnikov:

How can I use it?

Peanut butter can be used as spread on a slice of bread, pancakes, also in smoothies or various desserts.

What are the ingredients?

100% roasted peanuts.

What does it taste like?

Our natural peanut butter tastes like.. you guessed it, peanuts! :)

Who is it for?

For everyone who wants a healthy snack, athletes and recreationists, those who follow LCHF or similar diets, vegans and vegetarians or simply everybody, who loves peanut butter!

Any orartificial ingredients?

No, our peanut butter is made with 100% natural ingredients and contains no artificial ingredients.

What if I don't like it?

No worries! We guarantee satisfaction. If the product does not meet your expectations, we offer a 14-day refund.

Natural Peanut Butter – Creamy Classic 350 g

100% natural and delicious creamy peanut butter 

For those who don't like crunch - just creamy deliciousness!

  • Perfect for: sandwiches, deserts, cookies, cakes, or simply eating it with your spoon!
  • Without added salt or sugar
  • Without palm oil
  • Source of healthy fats

Made with love and care, from the best roasted peanuts!

Nature's Finest already has over 4,7 million customers from all over the world!

Neto 350 g
100% varen nakup z možnostjo vračila brez vprašanj.
  • Uporaba

  • Sestavine

  • Hranilne vrednosti

  • Mnenja kupcev (0)

  • Uporaba

    Peanut butter can be used as a spread on a slice of bread, pancakes, also in smoothies or various desserts. The recommended daily amount is 2 tablespoons (20 g).


    Closed, store in a dark and cool place (25 °C), to be consumed within 30 days after opening and kept in refrigerator (< 10°C).

  • Sestavine

    Peanut Butter Creamy Classic 350 g

    Ingredients: 100 % peanuts.

    Contains peanuts. May contain traces of nuts, sesame, soy, celery and sulfites.

  • Hranilne vrednosti

    Nutritional valuesper 100 g
    Energy2569 kJ/620 kcal
    - saturated fat7,4g
    - sugar5,7g

    * NRV = nutritional reference value

  • Mnenja kupcev (0)

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