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100% naravno | brez dodanega sladkorja

High Protein Cookie Dough Chocolate Coconut

Visokobeljakovinska čokoladno-kokosova zmes za pripravo okusnih piškotov

  • 12 g BELJAKOVIN na porcijo
  • Pomaga pri povečanju in vzdrževanju mišične mase ¹
  • Izjemen čokoladni okus s čokoladnimi kapljicami in kokosom
  • Brez dodanih sladkorjev
  • Hitra in enostavna priprava
  • Samo 118 kcal na porcijo, 8 porcij

Nature's Finest ima že več kot 4,7 milijona strank iz celega sveta!

Neto 300 g
Redna cena: 9,45 
Na zalogi
in prihrani 1,89 
14 dnevna pravica do vračila denarja
Brezplačna dostava nad 30€
Dostava v 1-2 delovnih dneh

All natural high quality ingredients

1 Sirotkine beljakovine

Sirotka je polnovredna, visokokakovostna beljakovina, ki  prispeva k povečevanju in vzdrževanju mišične mase.

2 Riževe beljakovine

Riževe beljakovine vsebujejo 19 aminokislin, od katerih je 9 esencialnih.

3 Čokoladne kapljice s 70 % kakava

Kapljice temne čokolade s 70% kakava za največje zadovoljstvo želje po čokoladi.

4 Kokos

Naravni kokos za slasten svež okus, brez dodanega sladkorja ali umetnih sestavin.

5 Kamena sol

Nejodirana, nerafinirana kamena sol brez dodatkov.


When I first tried it I almost couldn't believe how good it is! I make all the cookie dough mixture, then baked half and put the other half in the freezer, to enjoy it with the protein pudding - amazing! Plus I like that it contains 12g of protein per serving


9/10 on taste, the chocolate bits really help to make it so good! It's a great desert for those who are tracking their macros, but even if you aren't, it's just good to know that you are not putting in some processed junk in your body. All natural ingredients here, I already ordered it again


I have it my pantry for when I get some sweet cravings, because it's so easy and quick to prepare. I also add some banana or berries sometimes, it goes great together. I recommend it


The Best Protein Cookies – without the guilt!


Our chocolate coconut protein cookie dough is the perfect solution for enjoying a satisfying delicious treat – without having to feel guilty about eating something sweet!


You can use it to bake cookies, eat it by itself, or even have it as a frozen ice cream in the summer time – always with a delicious taste of chocolate and coconut.




High Protein Cookie Dough Chocolate Coconut

Delicious dessert for muscle growth

  • brez dodanega sladkorja
  • Izjemen okus čokolade s čokoladnimi kapljicami in kokosom
  • Hitra in enostavna priprava
  • 12 g beljakovin na porcijo
  • 118 kcal na porcijo, 8 porcij

Pogosta vprašanja naših uporabnikov:


With premium organic chocolate drops, coconut and high content of protein, it's the perfect way to get the essential nutrition your body needs to build strong muscle, while enjoying a delicious calorie friendly treat.

Who is it for?

It is intended for athletes, recreationists, body builders and everyone else who wants a protein rich guilt-free dessert.

What ingredients does it contain?

Whey protein, sweetener xylitol, rice protein, wheat flour, chocolate drops with 70% cocoa, coconut flour,, natural chocolate flavor, coconut water powder, himalayan salt.

What does it taste like?

This cookie dough makes delicious chocolate coconut cookies or treats.

How soon do I get the package?

We will do our best to process your order the same day and deliver it. On average, packages are delivered between 2-3 days.

What if I don't like the product?

No worries! If you are not 100% satisfied with the product, we will refund the purchase price within 14 days from the day of purchase!


High Protein Cookie Dough Chocolate Coconut

Visokobeljakovinska čokoladno-kokosova zmes za pripravo okusnih piškotov

  • 12 g BELJAKOVIN na porcijo
  • Pomaga pri povečanju in vzdrževanju mišične mase ¹
  • Izjemen čokoladni okus s čokoladnimi kapljicami in kokosom
  • Brez dodanih sladkorjev
  • Hitra in enostavna priprava
  • Samo 118 kcal na porcijo, 8 porcij

Nature's Finest ima že več kot 4,7 milijona strank iz celega sveta!

Neto 300 g
Redna cena: 9,45 
in prihrani 1,89 
100% varen nakup z možnostjo vračila brez vprašanj.
  • Uporaba

  • Sestavine

  • Hranilne vrednosti

  • Mnenja kupcev (0)

  • Uporaba

    Mix 35 g of protein Cookie dough (double chocolate) mixture with 0.2 dL of your favorite beverage (water, milk, vegetable milk).

    Store the prepared Cookie dough in the refrigerator and consume on the same day. Do not expose the packaging to heat and direct light.

  • Sestavine

    High Protein Cookie Dough Chocolate Coconut

    Ingredients: Whey protein, sweetener xylitol, rice protein, wheat flour, acacia gum, chocolate drops with 70% cocoa (Theobroma cacao), coconut flour, emulsifier: guar gum, natural chocolate flavor, coconut water powder, Himalayan salt.

    Contains gluten, milk, lactose. May contain traces of peanuts, nuts, soy and sesame.

  • Hranilne vrednosti

    Nutritional valuesPer 100 gPer serving (30 g)
    Energy1360 kJ/325 kcal476 kJ/114 kcal
    Fat5,5 g1,9 g
    of which saturated fat3,6 g1,3 g
    Carbohydrates33 g12 g
    of which sugars4,7 g1,7 g
    Fiber15 g5,0 g
    Protein36 g12 g
    Salt0,35 g0,12 g

    * NRV = prehranska referenčna vrednost

  • Mnenja kupcev (0)

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