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100% naravno | brez dodanega sladkorja | vegansko

Smoothie Powder Mix – Detox Fusion

All natural apple, orange, wheatgrass and chlorella smoothie mix

Ready to prepare smoothie mix for an instant delicious smoothie!

  • Vegan, natural and a source of dietary fibre
  • All in one recipe - no buying and preparing fruit and other ingredients, no messy cleanup
  • Made with real fruit powders
  • For smoothies, juices, ice creams or oatmeal
  • Convenient for travelling or commuting
  • No added sugar

For those who want a delicious, convenient and balanced snack

Nature's Finest already has over 4,7 million customers from all over the world!

Neto 200 g
Na zalogi
14 dnevna pravica do vračila denarja
Brezplačna dostava nad 30€
Dostava v 1-2 delovnih dneh

Enjoy a delicious healthy smoothie in less than 1 minute!

Smoothie Powder Detox Fusion is a delicious powdered smoothie mix to energise you first thing in the morning and refresh you with its citrusy apple and orange flavour.

It's everything you need for a great start to your morning and your commute to work or the gym.

This smoothie mix is the perfect choice for:

  • students,
  • busy parents,
  • office workers,
  • athletes,
  • vegans,
  • vegetarians,

And anybody else who doesn't have time to defrost and chop fruit in the morning rush.

Make a refreshing, detoxifying smoothie for yourself and your loved ones, order yours today!

100% naravne sestavine


Apples powder offers a naturally juicy and tart flavour. It’s made from real dehydrated and powdered apples, so it stays fresh and it’s ready to use right away.


Orange powder is made with a concentrated orange juice for a refreshing burst of citrusy goodness.


Agave is a natural sweetener, similar to honey, that is used to naturally sweeten food and drinks. It is a perfect alternative to white sugar.


Rice drink is an increasingly popular substitute for cow’s milk. It is a great choice for anyone who deals with lactose intolerance and other allergies.


Wheatgrass is a rich source of vitamin C and zinc, which contribute to the normal function of the immune system.


Chlorella helps maintain normal digestion and has detoxifying properties. Packed with chlorophyll and essential nutrients, it supports revitalization and cleansing processes in the body.


I'm obsessed with the juicy freshness of this smoothie and I love that it has detoxifying properties. I've been using it as a guilt-free breakfast for weeks now!


Finally, a refreshing smoothie mix without unnecessary sugar or milk! I'm always looking forward to starting my day with this natural blend.


As a busy mom, this smoothie mix is a lifesaver and a timesaver. It's delicious, plus I don't have to deal with any mess in the kitchen.

Fun ways to use our Smoothie Mix

Obviously for smoothies!

Simply take a glass, fill it with water or plant milk, add your favourite smoothie mix (2 tablespoons) and half a banana, blend in a blender and enjoy!

In ice cream

Mix 2 cups of your favourite vanilla ice cream with 1/4 cup of any smoothie mix. Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes, then churn in an ice cream maker until creamy. Freeze for 2 hours before serving.

In oatmeal

Cook a cup of oatmeal according to the package instructions. Just before serving, stir in 2 tablespoons of your favourite smoothie mix. Add a sliced banana, sprinkle some nuts and drizzle honey on top for a nutritious and tasty oatmeal breakfast.

In refreshing citrus juices

Blend 1 cup pineapple chunks, 1 peeled orange and 1 cup water with 2 tablespoons smoothie mix. Strain and serve with ice for a refreshing tropical juice.

In a berry yoghurt parfait

In a small bowl, mix 1 cup of Greek yoghurt with 3 tablespoons of smoothie mix. Garnish the yoghurt mixture with fresh berries in a glass. Drizzle honey on top and sprinkle granola for extra crunch.

Try out all the flavours!

🍒 Jungle Berry

A berry-licious combination of sweet agave powder and lively notes of blueberry, strawberry and acai berry

🥭 Mango Tango

Sweet agave powder, orange, mango and creamy coconut in a smoothie blend that tastes like a summer sunrise!

🍓 Strawberry Apricot Crush

A pink symphony of flavours, containing sweet agave, apricot and strawberry powder; it is the perfect way to start a spring morning.

🥥 Strawberry Coco Crush

Contains sweet agave powder, coconut cream, strawberry powder and beetroot for a refreshing smoothie

🍌 Choco Banana

Made with sweet agave powder, cocoa, banana powder and natural chocolate flavour for a luxurious chocolate-banana smoothie

Use it in a variety of ways; add it to ice cream, oatmeal and yoghurt with cereal

If you’re in a hurry, take it to work and make a quick smoothie in the office

It’s a refreshing and delicious addition to your post-workout meal to nourish your body

Smoothie Powder Mix – Detox Fusion

smoothie mix

  • Made from 100% natural ingredients
  • Doesn't contain and milk or dairy
  • Great for commuting and travelling
  • Easy to prepare, just mix with liquid
  • Longer shelf life than fresh fruit
  • Convenient for when don’t have time to shop for fruit and other ingredients
  • Delicious recipe - for anyone who loves a refreshing, citrusy taste!

Pogosta vprašanja naših uporabnikov:


Our smoothies are made with agave powder and various powdered fruit that makes for a quick and delicious alternative to fresh fruit.


The smoothie has a light, creamy texture and a refreshing, citrusy flavour.


It is super easy to prepare and store. You can blend it with 20 g of banana for a normal smoothie or put it in your morning oatmeal, porridge, ice cream or juice.


This smoothie contains rice drink powder, agave powder, apple powder, orange powder, wheatgrass, chlorella and a natural lemon flavour.


It's a delightful choice for anyone that is looking for a quick, milk-free, hassle-free alternative to fresh fruit smoothies; vegans, vegetarians, students, parents, athletes, etc.


No worries! If you are not 100% satisfied with the product, we will refund the purchase price within 14 days from the day of purchase!

Smoothie Powder Mix – Detox Fusion

All natural apple, orange, wheatgrass and chlorella smoothie mix

Ready to prepare smoothie mix for an instant delicious smoothie!

  • Vegan, natural and a source of dietary fibre
  • All in one recipe - no buying and preparing fruit and other ingredients, no messy cleanup
  • Made with real fruit powders
  • For smoothies, juices, ice creams or oatmeal
  • Convenient for travelling or commuting
  • No added sugar

For those who want a delicious, convenient and balanced snack

Nature's Finest already has over 4,7 million customers from all over the world!

Neto 200 g
100% varen nakup z možnostjo vračila brez vprašanj.
  • Uporaba

  • Sestavine

  • Hranilne vrednosti

  • Mnenja kupcev (0)

  • Uporaba

    Add 1,5 dl liquid such as milk, yoghurt, juice, water or plant drink, put half of banana and 20g (2 spoons) of powder smoothie mixture. Blend until smooth even textures. For precise measuring we suggest weighing.

    Storage: store in a cool and dry place. After opening, use within 20 days.

  • Sestavine

    Detox Fusion – Fruit powder mixture for smoothies

    : rice drink powder (rice, oat Beta-Glucan, sunflower oil, salt), agave powder (20%), maltodextrin, apple powder (maltodextrin, concentrate apple juice) (8%), orange powder (maltodextrin, concentrate orange juice) (3%), lemon flavour, stabilizer: cellulose, wheatgrass (triticum aestivum L.) (2%), chlorella (chlorella vulgaris) powder (2%), stabilizer: guar gum

  • Hranilne vrednosti

    Nutritional valuePer 100 gPer serving (20 g)
    Energy value1518 kJ / 361 kcal304 kJ / 73 kcal
    Fat2,2 g0 g
    of which saturated fat1,7 g0,3 g
    Carbohydrates82 g16 g
    of which sugar32 g6,4 g
    Fibre6,5 g1,3 g
    Protein1,8 g< 0,5 g
    Salt0,16 g0,033 g

    * NRV = prehranska referenčna vrednost

  • Mnenja kupcev (0)

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