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100% naravno | brez dodanega sladkorja

Vanilla Coconut Whey Protein

Visokokakovostni WHEY PROTEIN z vanilijo in kokosom in encimi DigeZyme™ za optimalno prebavo

  • 19 g BELJAKOVIN na porcijo
  • Vsebuje vse esencialne aminokisline
  • 3,17 g naravno prisotnih BCAA na porcijo
  • Pomaga pri povečanju in ohranjanju mišične mase ¹
  • S prebavnimi encimi DigeZyme™ za optimalno prebavljivost in odpravo napihnjenosti ³
  • Brez dodanih sladkorjev
  • Hitra in enostavna priprava
  • 119 kcal na porcijo, 15 porcij
Neto 450 g
Redna cena: 17,49 
Na zalogi
in prihrani 3,50 
14 dnevna pravica do vračila denarja
Brezplačna dostava nad 30€
Dostava v 1-2 delovnih dneh

Optimal Muscle Building Nutrition

1 Sirotkine beljakovine

Sirotka je polnovredna, visokokakovostna beljakovina, ki vsebuje vse esencialne aminokisline ter prispeva k rasti in ohranjanju mišične mase.

2 Riževe beljakovine

Riževe beljakovine imajo skoraj popoln aminokislinski profil, saj vsebujejo 19 aminokislin, od katerih je 9 esencialnih.

3 DigeZyme™

Prebavni encimi DigeZyme™ za lažjo prebavo.

4 Vanilija in kokosovo mleko

Dodali smo okusno aromo vanilije in kokosov napitek v prahu, ki doda noto svežine in neverjeten okus. Kokos je tudi vir prehranskih vlaknin.

5 Steviol glikozid

Naravno sladilo brez kalorij.


I absolutley love this protein powder! :) The taste and texture is really good and it gives me absolutely no digestive issues, unlike other protein powders. I finally found the protein I can use for a long time now


I would rate this product 10/10, I really like that it has no artificial flavors or anything, just natural cocoa powder but it still tastes so good! It's perfect for me. I usually have problems with bloating after I eat, but with this protein powder it has been really good on the digestion, the formula really works! I recommended it to all my friends


I am working with clients for over 5 years now and in that time, I have tried a lot of different protein powders. After using this blend I really noticed a difference. It's easy on the digestion, has the complete amino acid profile and the naturally BCAA is pretty ok. I like all the flavors, I switch between chocolate and vanilla. I started getting my clients to use it as well, great product.


The Ultimate Protein Powder!


Our revolutionary formula combines WHEY and plant protein to supercharge your muscle growth and cover all the essential amino acids required for building and maitaning muscle.


With the addition of DigeZyme™ enzyems this blend supports optimal digestibility and prevents blaoting – which eliminates one of the most common issues users have with protein supplements.


Order your Nature’s Finest Whey Protein today and provide your muscles with the optimal nutrition to grow, while taking care of your body as well!



Vanilla Coconut Whey Protein

Maximum muscle growth & optimal digestion

  • brez dodanega sladkorja
  • Izjemen okus po vaniliji in kokosu
  • DigeZyme™ - prebavni encimi za optimalno prebavljivost ³
  • 19 g beljakovin na porcijo
  • 3,17 g naravno prisotnih BCAA na porcijo
  • 119 kcal na porcijo, 15 porcij

Pogosta vprašanja naših uporabnikov:


A formula with whey and plant proteins for increasing and maintaining muscle mass, with added DigeZyme™ digestive enzymes for easier digestion and no bloating.

Who is it for?

It is intended for athletes, recreationists, body builders and everyone else who wants to build muscle or lives an active llifestyle.

What ingredients does it contain?

Whey protein, rice protein, coconut milk powder, natural vanilla aroma, digestive enzymes DigeZyme™, steviol glycoside.

What does it taste like?

This protein shake has a delicious vanilla and coconut flavor and creamy texture.

How soon do I get the package?

We will do our best to process your order the same day and deliver it. On average, packages are delivered between 2-3 days.

What if I don't like the product?

No worries! If you are not 100% satisfied with the product, we will refund the purchase price within 14 days from the day of purchase!


Vanilla Coconut Whey Protein

Visokokakovostni WHEY PROTEIN z vanilijo in kokosom in encimi DigeZyme™ za optimalno prebavo

  • 19 g BELJAKOVIN na porcijo
  • Vsebuje vse esencialne aminokisline
  • 3,17 g naravno prisotnih BCAA na porcijo
  • Pomaga pri povečanju in ohranjanju mišične mase ¹
  • S prebavnimi encimi DigeZyme™ za optimalno prebavljivost in odpravo napihnjenosti ³
  • Brez dodanih sladkorjev
  • Hitra in enostavna priprava
  • 119 kcal na porcijo, 15 porcij
Neto 450 g
Redna cena: 17,49 
in prihrani 3,50 
100% varen nakup z možnostjo vračila brez vprašanj.
  • Uporaba

  • Sestavine

  • Hranilne vrednosti

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  • Uporaba

    Mix 30 g of protein powder with 2 dL of liquid (water, milk, herbal drink). You can also add it to smoothies or use it in many recipes for healthy desserts.

    Store the prepared drink in the refrigerator and consume on the same day. Do not expose the packaging to heat and direct light.


    We recommend taking a dietary supplement as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. The recommended daily amount or dose should not be exceeded. A dietary supplement is not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. Keep out of reach of children!

  • Sestavine

    Vanilla Coconut Whey Protein – sweetened with stevia

    Ingredients: Whey protein, rice protein, coconut milk powder, emulsifier: guar gum, natural vanilla aroma, digestive enzymes DigeZyme™, sweetener steviol glycoside.

    Contains milk, lactose. May contain traces of gluten, peanuts, nuts, soy and sesame.

  • Hranilne vrednosti

    Nutritional valuesPer 100 gPer serving (30 g)
    Energy1661 kJ/397 kcal498 kJ/119 kcal
    Fat9,6 g2,9 g
    of which saturated fat7,5 g2,3 g
    Carbohydrates10 g3,0 g
    of which sugars3,9 g1,2 g
    Fiber5,9 g1,7 g
    Protein64 g19 g
    Salt0,68 g0,21 g
    Amino acid profilePer 100 gPer serving (30 g)
    Aspartic4,79 g1,44 g
    Glutamic8,01 g2,40 g
    Serine2,51 g0,75 g
    Glycine0,86 g0,26 g
    Histidine0,87 g0,26 g
    Arginine1,20 g0,36 g
    Threonine3,30 g0,99 g
    Alanine2,27 g0,68 g
    Proline2,84 g0,85 g
    Tyrosine1,46 g0,44 g
    Valine***2,77 g0,83 g
    Methionine1,03 g0,31 g
    Cysteine0,81 g0,24 g
    Isoleucine***2,88 g0,86 g
    Leucine***4,93 g1,48 g
    Phenylalanine1,57 g0,47 g
    Lysine4,27 g1,28 g
    Together BCAA10,58 g3,17 g

    ***BCAA (branched chain amino acids/ razvejane amino kisline)

  • Mnenja kupcev (0)

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