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brez dodanega sladkorja | vegansko

Waistline PRO

Food supplement with sweetener

Ultimativni dodatek 2 v 1 za hujšanje in oblikovanje telesa

Z izvlečkom ProVinifera™ in izvlečkom ProGarcinia™ (60 % HCA) – vrhunska tehnologija z visokim deležem hidroksicitronske kisline, ki zmanjšuje shranjevanje maščob v telesu

  • Pomaga nadzorovati in stabilizirati telesno težo¹
  • Pomaga, da postane silhueta telesa bolj prefinjena¹
  • Pomaga zatreti občutek lakote²
  • Prispeva k zmanjšanemu skladiščenju maščob²
  • Pomaga vzdrževati normalno raven krvnega sladkorja in maščob²
  • HCA zmanjša razgradnjo maščob iz hrane in pomaga pri izgubi teže²
  • Pomaga nadzorovati telesno težo in zmanjša občutek lakote²

Oblikujte svojo silhueto in enostavno izgubite odvečno težo!

Neto 125 g | za 25 dni
Redna cena: 34,90 
Na zalogi
in prihrani 6,98 
14 dnevna pravica do vračila denarja
Brezplačna dostava nad 30€
Dostava v 1-2 delovnih dneh

Slim waist - why not make it easier?

When it comes to achieving a slim waist, the journey can often feel like an uphill battle.

We all desire a slim and toned belly and wasit, but the path to get there is often filled with challenges.

We are constantly bombarded with tempting food choices, and sticking to a healthy lifestyle can be a struggle.

So if you, like many others:

  • Feel like it would be impossible to give up all your favorite foods, and stick to a strict diet for a long time,
  • Can't lose weight no matter what you do,
  • Can't resist the desire for sweets and junk food,
  • Are constantly hungry and have difficulty controlling portion sizes,
  • You reach for food whenever you are stressed,
  • And you noticed that fat accumulates on your stomach and waist faster than everywhere else..

Then Waistline PRO is your solution!

Make your path to a slim waist easier than ever!


1 Izvleček rdečega vina

Izvleček rdečega vina (pridobljen iz Vitis vinifera L.) s 30% polifenolov, nadzoruje in stabilizira telesno težo ter izboljšati silhueto telesa.


2 Izvleček Garcinie cambogie

Garcinia cambogia (Garcinia gummi-gutta) vsebuje hidroksicitronsko kislino (60 % – HCA), naravno spojino, ki zavira encim lipazo, ki je odgovoren za razgradnjo maščob v telesu. To pomaga pri preprečevanju kopičenja maščobe in izgubi telesne teže.

3 Ananas

Aroma ananasa daje tej formuli prijeten in osvežilen okus.


I needed some help shaping my waist, because this year I again didn't start losing weight for summer like I said I would. It helped me eat less without feeling deprived, and the pounds started coming off. So happy I found this!


My weight always accumulates around my stomach, and this supplement really surprised me. It made a noticeable difference in my appetite. I didn't feel the need to snack all the time, and I started losing weight. Definitely worth a try :)


It seriously helped me shed those extra pounds before my vacation! I could feel my cravings decrease, and I had more control over my eating. It makes it easy to maintain a healthy weight without sacrificing my favorite foods.

Look better, feel better!


Reduce fat storage with Polyphenols and HCA


Waistline PRO with double waistline-slimming effect:


Reduces fat storage in the body

With powerful ProGarcinia™ extract, containing 60% hydroxycitric acid (HCA), a natural compound that inhibits the enzyme lipase, which is responsible for fat breakdown in the body, this revolutionary slimming formula helps in preventing fat accumulation and weight loss in the body.


Boost weight loss & supress hunger

Garcinia cambogia helps to suppress the feeling of hunger, which comes in handy when trying to slim down. It helps us to reduce food intake, burn off excess body weight,  contributes to the reduction of fat storage and helps maintain satiation, making it the champion for getting you weight loss results fast!


Waistline PRO

Ultimate 2 in 1 wastline slimmer

  • Pomaga nadzorovati in stabilizirati telesno težo ¹
  • Pomaga izboljšati silhueto telesa ¹
  • Pomaga zatreti občutek lakote ²
  • HCA zmanjša razgradnjo maščob iz hrane in pomaga pri hujšanju ²

Pogosta vprašanja naših uporabnikov:

How and why does it work?

With With ProGarcinia™ and ProVinifera™ extract, this wastline-slimming formula contributes to reduced fat storage, suppress hunger attacks and reduced cravings for maximum slimming results!

Who is it suitable for?

It is for anyone who wants to lose excess weight and fat and has trouble following diets or reducing calorie intake.

What ingredients does it contain?

Maltodextrin, ID-alGTM, natural lemon flavor, gymnema sylvestre extract, garcinia cambogia extract (60% hydroxycitric acid - HCA), sweetener: steviol glycosides.

What does it taste like?

Waistline PRO has a refreshing pineapple flavour.

How do I use it?

The recommended daily dose is 5 g (1 scoop). Mix into a glass (150 ml) of water and drink.

What if I don't like the product?

No worries! We offer a satisfaction guarantee. If the product does not meet your expectations, we provide a 14-day refund.


Waistline PRO

Ultimativni dodatek 2 v 1 za hujšanje in oblikovanje telesa

Z izvlečkom ProVinifera™ in izvlečkom ProGarcinia™ (60 % HCA) – vrhunska tehnologija z visokim deležem hidroksicitronske kisline, ki zmanjšuje shranjevanje maščob v telesu

  • Pomaga nadzorovati in stabilizirati telesno težo¹
  • Pomaga, da postane silhueta telesa bolj prefinjena¹
  • Pomaga zatreti občutek lakote²
  • Prispeva k zmanjšanemu skladiščenju maščob²
  • Pomaga vzdrževati normalno raven krvnega sladkorja in maščob²
  • HCA zmanjša razgradnjo maščob iz hrane in pomaga pri izgubi teže²
  • Pomaga nadzorovati telesno težo in zmanjša občutek lakote²

Oblikujte svojo silhueto in enostavno izgubite odvečno težo!

Neto 125 g | za 25 dni
Redna cena: 34,90 
in prihrani 6,98 
100% varen nakup z možnostjo vračila brez vprašanj.
  • Uporaba

  • Sestavine

  • Hranilne vrednosti

  • Mnenja kupcev (1)

  • Uporaba

    The recommended daily dose is 5 g (1 scoop). Mix into a glass (150 ml) of water and drink.

    For precise measuring we suggest weighing.


    The recommended daily amount should not be exceeded. The nutritional supplement is not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. Not recommended to use during pregnancy and lactation. Due to natural variations in the properties of the active ingredients, the colour, taste and smell of the product may vary slightly from batch to batch. These changes do not affect the overall quality and performance of the product.

    Storage: store in a cool and dry place. Keep out of reach of children!

  • Sestavine

    Waistline PRO – food supplement with sweetener.

    Ingredients: Maltodextrin, red wine extract (Vitis vinifera L.) (30% polyphenols), pineapple flavour, garcinia cambogia extract (Garcinia gummi-gutta) (60% hydroxycytric acid – HCA), beetroot concentrate (maltodextrin, beetroot powder (Beta vulgaris)),  stabiliser: cellulose, sweetener: steviol glycosides.

  • Hranilne vrednosti

    Nutritional valuesza 5 g
    Red wine extract250mg
    - of wich polyphenols75 mg
    Garcinia cambogia extract100mg
    - of which hydroxycitric acid60mg

    * NRV = prehranska referenčna vrednost

  • Mnenja kupcev (1)

    . - 25.02.2024

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