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Whitening strips 1+1 GRATIS

Get whiter teeth in just 7 days!

The package contains 14 whitening strips (7 for upper teeth and 7 for lower teeth).

  • Gentle, safe and effective teeth whitening
  • Lightens teeth stains caused by food, wine, coffee, tea or cigarettes
  • Easy and convenient use at home or on the go
  • Peroxide-free formula
  • Ingredients safe for tooth enamel
  • Get a brighter smile
  • 100% money back satisfaction guarantee
Neto 52 g
Na zalogi
14 dnevna pravica do vračila denarja
Brezplačna dostava nad 30€
Dostava v 1-2 delovnih dneh

Amaazzing. I’m going to buy another for me and my sister. I didn’t even use it everyday and it still made my teeth whiter.


These whitening strips are very convenient, also I have sensitive teeth and they didn't cause irritation. Clean your teeth well and dry them gently before applying the strips.


Great product, I fear going to the dentist or paying a lot for a whitening treatment, so this is a great budget solution. Maybe not as effective as professional whitening, but I like how easy and convenient it is.

Whitening strips 1+1 GRATIS

Get whiter teeth in just 7 days

  • Gentle, safe and effective teeth whitening
  • Convenient use at home or on the go
  • Peroxide-free formula
  • Safe for tooth enamel
  • 100% money back satisfaction guarantee

Pogosta vprašanja naših uporabnikov:

How and why it works?

The peroxide-free formula helps to whiten your smile by gently and safely bleaching the stains on your teeth. With safe ingredients that don't cause harm to your tooth enamel, it is the perfect budget friendly teeth whitening solution.

When will I see results?

You can expect to see results after the first 7 days of use! Get brighter and whiter teeth, smile confidently.

What if I don't like the product?

No worries! We offer a satisfaction guarantee. If the product does not meet your expectations, we provide a 60-day refund.

Whitening strips 1+1 GRATIS

Get whiter teeth in just 7 days!

The package contains 14 whitening strips (7 for upper teeth and 7 for lower teeth).

  • Gentle, safe and effective teeth whitening
  • Lightens teeth stains caused by food, wine, coffee, tea or cigarettes
  • Easy and convenient use at home or on the go
  • Peroxide-free formula
  • Ingredients safe for tooth enamel
  • Get a brighter smile
  • 100% money back satisfaction guarantee
Neto 52 g
100% varen nakup z možnostjo vračila brez vprašanj.
  • Uporaba

  • Sestavine

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  • Uporaba

    First, pull the soft strip off the plastic film and turn the gel side towards the surface of your teeth. Looking in a mirror, align the straight edge of strip to your gums, gently press and adjust the strip, making it adhere to the tooth surface. Repeat using the second strip.

    Remove the teeth whitening strips and discard after 30 minutes. Clean off any remaining gel residue by brushing your teeth.


    Keep out of reach of children! For adult use only. Use only for intended purpose. The product should not be consumed. Do not use these whitening strips if suffering from dental ulcers, broken gum, or after oral surgery. If side effects occur, discontinue use. Store in a cool and dry place.

  • Sestavine

    WHITENING STRIPS – 14 strips.

    Ingredients: Glycerol, Propylene Glycol, Deionized Water, Sodium Phytate, Carbomer, Carboxymethyl, Polyvinylpyrrolidone, Menthol, Glucose, Sodium Hydroxide.

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